A Twelve Year Old with an Instagram


Theirry is a street artist in the same way that a twelve year old with an iPhone and an Instagram is a photographer. He can make street art all he wants but he truly has no idea what he is doing. All of his art is repetitive and, to me, is indistinguishable from the art of other artists. If I saw a lineup of his art with other pieces I would not be able to tell you which is his. He offers no unique qualities in his works and more importantly there is no visible meaning.

Despite these things there are many people out there willing to give up their money for his works. Although I would not call Theirry a street artist, Swales and Gee may be inclined to say he is. But because of the nature of street art I am hesitant to say it is a discourse. Swales says “A discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among its members.”(Swales 471) I am not familiar with street art so I may be wrong but the fact that most street art is illegal makes me believe that street artists are less open about what they do. They do not talk to many people about their work outside of those they trust. If these artists were to talk about their craft the police may pick up on it and get suspicious.

If we were to make the assumption that the discourse does exist then I believe that Theirry would be able to call himself a street artist. Gee says that being part of a discourse is “being able to engage in a particular sort of “dance” with words, deeds, values, feelings, other   people, objects, tools, technologies, places and times so as to get recognized as a distinctive sort of who doing a distinctive sort of what.”(Gee 155)

I believe that Theirry meets these criteria with his experience and his art. Theirry is knowledgeable on the topic of street art due to his experiences with his film. He was able to shadow many famous artists and even help with some of their works. From these events he learned through acquisition how street artists work. The first sign of Theirry having his own knowledge of street art was when Banksy went to LA and Theirry was able to show him all of the best spots to put up work. Theirry knew the exact places the Banksy would want because he knew Banksy and street art. In a way Theirry was becoming a street artist long before he thought about completing his first work.

The second part of Gee’s definition of a member of a discourse is met by Theirry with his first gallery showing. He creates many works and markets himself to the public. In doing this he becomes an extremely distinctive who doing a distinctive what. I believe much of this is due in part to Theirry’s extraordinary ability to market products to the public. He knows how to get the word out and sell things. In this case it is himself that he is selling.

Theirry has this experience selling thing from his time selling used clothes for an enormous mark up. He was able to convince people that clothes he got for little to nothing where worth much more than that and was fashionable. I believe this skill of his contributed immensely to his art show’s success. Theirry was able to get a quote from Banksy endorsing his work and used this celebrity endorsement to build up the hype for his show. He was getting interviewed by large media outlets and he was virtually unknown. This media hype combined with Banksy’s backing helped Theirry to convince the public that his worthless artwork was something that they needed hanging on their walls. I think Theirry convinced himself that his work was worth something.

With the success of his show Theirry became, in the eyes of the public, a street artist. You could say his name and people would know exactly who you were talking about, MBW the street artist. But I maintain that Theirry is no more than a man with money to invest in himself and skills at marketing. He has no actually talent or vision. Is he a street artist? Yes. But you could also say that twelve year old with an Instagram is a photographer.

Film Cont.

  • Theirry’s Discourses: film maker, videographer, street artist, husband, father, shop owner, entrepreneur
  • He did not take the normal route to become a prominent street artist. He made a large investment in himself and it payed off

Street Art

  • Beliefs, doing, acting, valuing, dressing
  • Not about hype or money
  • About spreading a message
  • Uses tech, tools, other people to accomplish goals
  • Must be stealthy, creative, impressive, willing to take risks

Discourse Communities and Film

Discourse Communities

  • Groups of people who use similar language
  • Majors, jobs, clubs, classes
  • Similar goals
  • Active members
  • Possible for many genres for each community

Exit Through the Gift Shop

  • Family, film, photography, street art
  • Theirry uses his discourse of film to get into the street art discourse
  • It varies between discourses, for Theirry and the street art scene he needed to have their trust to be able to film the artists
  • He had to climb his way to the top to work with banksy

Out of Place

Recently I have felt out of place in short bits every now and then when my friends speak in Spanish. Two of my friends are from Columbia and they often communicate in their native language. This leave me completely out of the conversation since I have no idea what they are saying to each other. It is different from the other times I have felt out of place when I did not fit in with the same Discourse as those around me. In this situation I am not in the same discourse. I do not speak the same language as them. In these situations they may be speaking in the same Discourse as me but it does not matter since it is in another discourse.

1/15 Class Notes

“Talking White”

  • Mushfaking – want to be in a discourse but not quite there yet, involves both learning and acquisition
  • Learning – aware of learning taking place (i.e. classroom)
  • Acquisition – unaware of learning (i.e. first language)
  • Dominate Discourse – group with power (i.e. professors)
  • Non-Dominate Discourse – group without power (i.e. students)

Prescriptive Grammar – Set of rules

Descriptive Grammar – Set of rules among a group of people (Discourses)

  • Set of prescriptive rules developed as the ‘official’ rules
  • Descriptive rules evolved out of prescriptive

Robert Frost

  • Life paths
  • You always have a choice
  • Can never take both

Discourse – more than just language, includes what is being said, uses discourse

discourse – language, grammar, writing, reading, speaking, listening

Multiple Kinds of People

Gee’s argument that we are multiple kinds of people makes sense to me. After thinking about it I do act very differently depending on the place I’m in or the people I’m with. On the sidelines of a basketball court taking photos I will be professional and not cheer on either team. This is extremely different from the scenario of watching from the stands and cheering on the teams. This is just one example of my different personalities in various situations. How I act with my family and friends versus what I say and do with new people is another. There are many more examples of how many types of people I can be but in general they all relate back to the same core principles.

Good vs Bad Writing

Good writing is able to carry a message to the reader in a way that allows them to understand in depth what the autho is saying. Good writing will invoke emotions in the reader on a topic that is completely new. Bad writing will leave the reader wondering what the author was thinking. It will confuse the reader and cause him to stop reading without finishing the work. Good writing will inspire. Bad writing will be overlooked. Good writing will be spread and talked about. Bad writing will be left  in the trash and forgotten.

1/13 Grammar Rants and Class Notes

Word Press

  • Photos of notes are allowed
  • Delete literacy vignettes

Class Notes

  • Subject or topic of class
  • Important details
  • Questions
  • Notes from the board
  • Peer Comments

Grammar Rants

  • Comma Splice
  • Cuz (because)
  • Your, You’re
  • Run on sentences
  • Not capitalizing ‘I’
  • Overusing words
  • Excessive cussing
  • Letters replacing words (u)
  • Double modal (might would)
  • Double negatives
  • Not Proofreading
  • Capitalizing every word
  • All caps
  • Grammar Nazis
  • Me and her/ she and I

What Irks Me About Writing

It annoys me when people get caught up in small errors in speech and writing. If someone leaves out an apostrophe or uses the wrong “your” someone is bound to notice and say something. I don’t understand why people do this. If I can understand the message someone is trying to convey why should I care if they don’t follow all of the rules of the English Language?