Nothing New

This excerpt from Harris’ writing makes sense to me. In today’s world people are more prone to following what has already been done rather than becoming unique and stand out. Individuals do not want to take the risk of being different and being shunned by the masses for having a differing opinion or one that is seen as wrong. This causes people to think extremely narrowly and do not form their own opinions on a topic. People today seem to ask fewer questions about the things around them and just take them for their face value. Students of a class may not be able to add to a conversation on a topic because they do not know what the topic is about or how it affects them. They do not go off on their own to learn more so they can talk about the topic next time it is brought up, they just accept what they have heard and move on. It is events like this that reduce people’s curiosity and their desire to know more. This causes no free thinking, no new thoughts, nothing that hasn’t been done before.